Wednesday, July 24, 2019

American Ninja Warrior 11 Review: Atlanta Finals

Question: How do you make an obstacle course more difficult? Just add water! Join William as he discusses an excellent new obstacle, a bad returning obstacle, and some odd editing choices despite it being a great episode.

And show the clock on the screen, darn it!

Friday, July 19, 2019

American Ninja Warrior 11 Review: Los Angeles Finals

Watch out! We're diving head first into the city finals round with the Los Angeles Finals! Just how difficult were the Leaps of Faith? And how did the women do after a tough qualifier round? Join William as he goes into detail of the episode and tells some stories as well!

Saturday, July 13, 2019

American Ninja Warrior 11 Review: Cincinnati Qualifiers

The final qualifier episode of season 11 has come and gone and it was the best episode of the season? What did William think of the Slingshot? And who didn't get any airtime at all (but should have)?

Also, which boy band members should compete on Ninja Warrior? And which Ninja Warriors should become boy band members?

Saturday, July 6, 2019