Friday, September 22, 2017

American Ninja Warrior 9 Review: Las Vegas Stage 2, Stage 3 and Final Stage

It's the season finale! The end of American Ninja Warrior 9 has arrived and William breaks down Stage 2, Stage 3, and the Final Stage. After a mostly exciting season, surely they can't possibly find a way to mess this up!


Friday, September 15, 2017

American Ninja Warrior 9 Review: Las Vegas Stage 1, Part 2

It's (still) finally here! The second half of Stage 1 has aired and William has thoughts about YouTube, Facebook, wrestling, and occasionally some Ninja Warrior stuff! Who knows what will happen!

Also, did you hear that Kacy was retiring?! Why didn't ANW tell us this fact every waking moment the show was airing? How else would I know it was going to happen?

Friday, September 8, 2017

American Ninja Warrior 9 Review: Las Vegas Stage 1, Part 1

This is it! The Las Vegas Midoriyama National Finals have begun! Stage 1 had some changes made and William breaks down the course and discusses the first half of Stage 1!

Friday, September 1, 2017

American Ninja Warrior 9 Review: Denver Finals

It's the final regional finals course! And the Wedge is back! Those guys are so screwed! Join William as he talks about ninjas like Ian Dory, Brian Arnold (and his nose), Megan Martin, and Lorin Ball. Also, is it really appropriate for an obstacle to be sponsored?

Also, Ian Dory makes great faces while on the Wedge, you should watch his run solely for that.